A Unique Series of Free Online Master Talks
Oct 21 - Nov 25
Mitchell Joachim
Leading global sustainable architects. Co-Founder of Terreform ONE, Associate professor at New York University and TED lecturer.
Chien Chung Pei
Principal Pei Partners (son of IM Pei)
James Corner
Founder and director of James Corner Field. Operations. Leading-edge urban design,
Landscape architect and designer of The Highline.
Alison Mears & Jonsara Ruth
Co-Founders of Healthy Materials Lab
at Parsons School of Design
Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Architects The Shed at Hudson Yards
Tom Kennedy
Global Leader of Civil Engineering at ARUP
Unique series of Master Talks from leading industry experts.
Experts discuss key factors of sustainability as a successful real estate company.
The team you need to build and moves you need to take for being responsible.
Learn how to create spaces that are more environmental friendly, design-driven and enhance community building.